How to paint a camouflage in a toolbox

Painting the toolbox with the same camouflage as your hunting vehicle can serve two purposes, one aesthetic, and the other practical. If you have a camouflaged hunting vehicle, a matching box will be pleasing to the eyes. More importantly, if you are hunting near him, a hunting vehicle is often the main reason why the animals get scared, because their shape is very obvious. A camouflaged vehicle with a camouflaged toolbox is much less noticeable than a box of another color, especially if it is parked with foliage as the vehicle's backdrop.

You will need to:
  • Primary color spray paint
  • Two secondary colors of spray paint
  • Spray paint
  • Ventilated work area
  • Branch with live leaves
Steps to follow:


Spray the complete toolbox with its primary color. Make the first thick layer, or apply two coats. The second after the first has dried. You do not want any of the original colors in the toolbox to be visible. Allow the primary layer to dry for six hours before continuing.


Spray in the primary color with one of the secondary colors in straight and parallel lines, at a distance of 7 to 14 centimeters between them. You can make horizontal lines, vertical lines, diagonal lines or look for some other variant, while they are parallel to each other. Keep the spray can 25 centimeters from the toolbox and make quick movements when using it. You do not want different lines. On the contrary, you want the edges of the secondary lines to be mixed with the primary layer. Once you have finished with your first set of secondary color lines, spray new lines between them with your other secondary color. Allow the two secondary layers to dry for six hours.


Paint shapes of branches and leaves in the toolbox using branches and real leaves. Place a branch on the toolbox and spray around it. Remove the branch and let it dry. This will give your camouflage a pattern of branches and leaves. Keep doing this until you have your entire toolbox covered.

  • Paint your toolbox in a place that is not closed, since the gases in the spray paint can be harmful to your health.