How not to close your eyes with the flash - effective tips

Currently, photographs are more important than ever thanks, above all, to social networks. At any time and anywhere you can take a snapshot and it's not always easy to come out with the perfect look.

Strange brightness, bad angles, red eyes ... There are different problems that can cause appear in a picture with an aspect that is not the best possible. One of them, and the main cause of the repetition of snapshots is the blinking at the instant in which the photograph is taken. To avoid this situation we explain step by step how not to close our eyes with the flash .

How to avoid closing your eyes with the flash

The tendency to blink or even the sensation of dry eyes can occur just when the photograph is being taken. Therefore, you have to follow a series of steps and tips to avoid closing your eyes with the camera flash when taking a picture:

  1. You have to keep your eyes closed during the seconds before you proceed to take the picture, to keep them hydrated and avoid the sensation of blinking.
  2. When you know that you are about to make the snapshot, or if there is a timer when it is 5 seconds, you have to press your eyes hard for a second to open them immediately, but not in a sudden way, as you can cause the look appear in the snapshot in a very unnatural way.
  3. When the eyes are already opened naturally and only 2 seconds remain for the flash to fire, it is recommended to fix the view at a fixed point very close to the camera with which the snapshot is being made. In this way instinctive flicker will be avoided more effectively.
  4. When the photograph has already been taken, it will blink several times in a row to recover the correct hydration of the eyes and to stop feeling the symptoms of dryness that may have occurred.

More tricks to go well in photos

Apart from knowing how to avoid closing your eyes when the flash comes out at the moment of the snapshot, there are also other tricks to get better in the photographs .

  • The first trick that must be taken into account happens to be good in a photograph is to be relaxed . If there is tension it will be reflected in the image, you will notice the discomfort and the lack of naturalness. The best thing to get out in a photograph is to be yourself, that way there will be no artifice.
  • Another trick that can also be highlighted is knowing the good side of each one. As a general rule, photographs that are made completely in front are not flattering. It is better to leave, at least slightly, on the side. That is why we must find the most flattering, since the sides are not symmetrical at all and the features are different. To discover it, a little practice and observation in the mirror is necessary.
  • In many occasions it is not known how to place the mouth so that the snapshot is more favorable. Be careful with the smile, because if it is too exaggerated will be subtracted naturalness, giving a very artificial appearance. But neither is it advisable to maintain a serious face, since it is not very flattering either. Therefore, it is recommended to slightly open the lips and draw a slight smile . In this way, photography will be added naturally.
  • But the most important trick to get very favored in photographs is practice . Knowing the perfect posture for each one is achieved by making a large number of snapshots. That is why it is recommended to practice, even selfies or using the camera timer, to discover the strengths and weaknesses of the features themselves to know how to get the most favorable position.

If you have found it useful to know all these tips to not close your eyes with the flash and other Turks to get it right in the photos, you may also be interested in knowing several makeup tricks to look good in the photos.