How to clean coins

The coins are objects exposed to many situations and the passage through so many hands makes them dirty, rust and deteriorate with the passage of time. Carrying out a cleaning of these objects is not a usual thing with currencies in progress, but it can be useful for those coin collectors who collect coins. Even so, it is not recommended to clean coins with a high value, since they are then devalued. But if none of these is your case and you want to make them shine, we tell you step by step how to clean coins.

You will need to:
  • Currency to clean
  • Water
  • Vinegar
  • Soft cloth
  • Latex gloves
Steps to follow:


Before you start to clean coins, you should make sure that the currency (s) you want to clean is not very valuable, since you would be devaluing its value. You can do it by consulting numismatic guides or by going to a specialist in the field.


Also, it is recommended to use latex gloves to clean the coins without damaging them, since our hands contain fats that could leave marks on the coins.


Considering these considerations, wash the coin with cold water .


To protect it, you should not rub it ; just leave it under water for a minute, the higher the water pressure, the better.


Next, soak the coin in vinegar to remove traces of rust, dirt, or other spots that have the coin.


The next step will be to rinse the coin again under running water, but this time hot.


When the coin is clean enough, you should dry it with a soft, lint-free cloth. But remember that you do not have to rub it.


If you know the material that the coin is made of, you can bear in mind that:

  • To clean gold coins, it is best to immerse yourself in very hot soapy water.
  • Older coins should be soaked in vinegar for at least one whole day.
  • If the coin is bronze (very old), it should be left in distilled water or soaked in olive oil for several weeks.
  • For silver coins, a 6 minute bath in lemon juice is a good solution.