How to make a transparent vase

There are many ways to make vases, clay, porcelain, glass. The one we show you here is the glass one. It is not difficult, everyone can do it. It is also very well why it is made with three glass tubes which is where the flowers will go as you can see in the bottom image. If you want to know how it is done look at the following article, how to make a transparent vase.

You will need to:
  • 3 tubes of glass and Paraffin in self-supporting gel
  • Gel dyes
  • Cut out glass (30 cm side)
  • Clay
  • Strips of cardboard, glass or wood (12cm long x 2cm wide)
  • Cutters with forming for pastry or cold porcelain
Steps to follow:


To start with a little melted gel fix the three tubes to the glass cutout. Attach the 3 strips of glass or cardboard perpendicular to the base glass, with rolls of plasticine, two on the sides of the tubes and one on the base, to form the perimeter of the mold and give containment to the gel. Place balsa wood cardboard cutouts between the tubes about 3cm from the top edge. Dump the gel covering the tubes and the inside of the mold to achieve a thickness of about 7mm. Allow to harden and remove the containment barriers.


Then add dye to the melted gel. Place the cutters on a glass cutout and dump the gel inside the pampering to achieve a thickness of about 2mm


When the applications are still warm, demolish them from the glass and adhere them to the vase in a decorative way.