How to make a kite to fly it with our children

When the good weather approaches, we all like to go out to do outdoor activities and, especially, to the smallest of the house. Doing family activities helps strengthen the bonds between parents and children, as well as between siblings. A good idea could be to make a kite among everyone and then go out and fly it on the beach, in the countryside, etc. So we will spend a good time doing a craft that later will serve us as fun. In .com we explain how to make a kite to send it flying with our children .

You will need to:
  • A plastic bag
  • 2 fine sticks of wood
  • Scotch tape
  • String
  • Painting
  • Brush
Steps to follow:


Materials A plastic bag, 2 thin sticks of wood, adhesive tape, string, paint and brush.


Cut out the plastic bag with square shape, but leaving two sides larger than the other two.


Cut the sticks the same size as the bag to make the kite. Once cut, cross the poles in the form of a cross and tie them in the center, which will be what will serve as a structure.


Attach the structure to the kite with adhesive tape, making sure it is secure. You can also flip the kite and put a piece of tape on the cross of the structure to protect the plastic when you pass the string.


Cut a piece of string that measures approximately twice the height of the kite. We must also sew or pass one end of the line through the front of the kite, roll it in the center of the structure and pass it back in front. Finally, we must tie it tight and this will be the bridle of the kite.


Turn the kite and pass the other end of the string through the bottom, stretching it carefully until it is taut. Tie this string to the bridle, a little above the center, adjusting it when you make the kite fly.


Decorate the kite to your liking, with paints and a brush. This is what children can enjoy the most, letting their imagination fly.


Finally, make the tail of the kite, which will be what gives stability, with plastic, about five times the size of the kite.


When you have your kite done, you just have to go somewhere where you can throw it to fly, a good example can be the beach or the field, that is, large open spaces where we can run with our kite.

  • Do not fly the kite near electricity lines, to prevent it from getting hooked.