How to make luggage less

Heavy luggage can make your trip difficult. Airlines have strict restrictions on the weight of their luggage, if this is not taken into account may have significant fines. If you are traveling by car or train, heavy bags can be difficult to lift and maneuver. Cruise passengers have less problems with heavy bags as the porters take them from the dock to the cabin, but there are space limitations in many of the cabins, heavy bags can be cumbersome. The choice of a light suitcase is your best option. Knowing how to pack, is the most important factor to lighten your luggage.

Steps to follow:


Select a bag for your trip . Do not load many things in it, it is essential to limit yourself in what you wear. Choose a bag that suits your needs based on size and shape and consider your weight. Many important manufacturers have created lines of light bags.


Organize in bed or on the floor, all items that you plan to carry in your suitcase. Change heavy objects for lighter ones: for example trekking shoes for sports shoes, dress pants for cloth clothes, do the same with the rest of the clothing. The difference in the material composition of each piece can reduce the total weight of your luggage significantly.


Eliminate redundancies in your packing list. Choose a navy blue jacket that can be used for evening and meetings during the day. Wear some moccasins instead of shoes with laces to dress with formal and casual clothes. Ladies may consider packing shirts that can be worn during the day and dressed in a necklace or lightweight accessory, for more formal occasions.


Toiletries are often the heaviest items in a suitcase. Shampoos and lotions, shaving cream and skin creams are often available in small sizes for a trip. Instead of packing all your favorite items, take small quantities in sealed containers and if you need to buy more, you can surely do so during the trip.


Carry only the basics in regards to electronics and amenities. Try to find entertainment at local sources. Forget about the neck pillow and use a shirt instead. Pocket books can add weight in your luggage, try to be an electronic book reader.


Replace your laptop, for a compact netbook and be sure to carry batteries for those electronic items that you need. Replacement batteries can be purchased anywhere, while chargers and converters should carry them in luggage to weigh less.

  • If you put a large variety of colored clothing in your suitcase, remember that you may not have many combination options. Wear discreet colored clothing so you can create a variety of combinations.
  • Consider washing clothes on trips that last two weeks or more. If you reuse clothes, you can greatly reduce the amount.
  • Do not overdo your bags. Remember that you can pick up objects and needs on the road and they will need a place in your luggage.