How to report workplace harassment

Faced with a situation of work moobing, every employee should know that he has tools to report this type of harassment. It is a series of legal actions that will protect the employee and help him defend his rights. We show you how to report workplace harassment .

Steps to follow:


At the moment in which the worker is aware that he is being harassed in his job, the first thing he has to do is contact professionals. You should therefore go to a doctor or psychologist to discuss your case and can neutralize or mitigate the effects of this harassment.


After this step, the worker must expose the facts before the Health and Safety Committee of his company. In the event that it does not have this department, you should contact the legal representative of the workers. In this way, an investigation will be initiated.


Before reporting labor harassment in a legal manner, the worker must inform the company. It must be done in writing for a record, leaving the worker a copy that shows the receipt of your company.


From that moment, all meetings held with the company or its representatives must be done with the presence of the legal or union advisor of the harassed employee.


Following these steps, several legal steps can be taken to report the situation. For example, there is an administrative way, through the labor inspection. For this we must submit a complaint to the administrative service. This complaint must be very complete, adding all relevant data (chronological, names, facts of harassment, etc).


In addition, we can also denounce the labor moobing via judicial . For this, it is better to be well advised by a lawyer, because in these cases the trials are often complex.


Public workers can also report a situation of labor harassment through the administrative litigation.


Likewise, if the harassment caused an illness to the victim that makes him unable to work, he is entitled to Social Security's recognition of a corresponding pension. At this point it is essential to provide medical reports.