How to create a portfolio

The portfolios have become in recent years the best way to promote the professional activity of any person. These websites are a perfect showcase especially for those who have a very visual artistic profession such as publicists, graphic designers or journalists, for example. In the following article we show you how to create a portfolio.

Steps to follow:


Take the creation of the portfolio as if it were a work project. As such, set deadlines and think as if you were your own client. What do your customers need? That is where you must influence when creating the portfolio.


Speak for your ideal client. A portfolio is a showcase. Specialize in a specific type of client. If you look at many customers at once it is likely that you will not be able to convince the customer type. So look for a common element in all your customers and take the opportunity.


Write a professional presentation that is brief and place the contact phone number and email address in a visible place. Keep in mind that the Internet user does not like to read much, so avoid large conversations and create a much more visual.


A portfolio must be a dynamic site . Keep it constantly updated with your new jobs. Create a site that is easy to update.


Show your best achievements and those that contribute something of value to the website you plan to create. Keep in mind that a portfolio is a showcase of your profession and that with it you could get clients. For what it overlooks the banal works that you made and expose those with which you feel most satisfied and that belong to important commissions that you have made.


Shows ambition and personality Give a personal touch to your portfolio and if you are passionate about work, show it to your clients. Probably this way you will attract a lot more customers. For this, you can place a kind of work schedule or say that you are available x hours a day.


There are several web portals in which you can create simple and very practical portfolios. For this, you can use Wordpress, which is a fairly simple website to use; Squarespace, which offers innumerable templates for any professional profile; Dunked, a simple place to create portfolios, especially for designers or you can also browse through the Behance website, which is a recent site and in which if you want something of quality with a domain you have to pay for it.