How to create a civil society

As is widely known, every time we want to create a new society in Spain, whether civil, anonymous, limited or of any other kind, there are a series of procedures that we must follow if we want everything to go well. In general, these procedures are very similar from one company to another, but all have their specific characteristics. So that you know them without problems, in this article of .com we will explain what are procedures to create a civil society.

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Steps to follow:


In the first place, we will have to write a public or private contract between the partners that will be part of the society. In this contract we will specify matters such as the name of the company, the partners, purpose or activity to be performed. It is not necessary, but if convenient, the contribution of an initial minimum capital.


In the corresponding Treasury Delegation, and with the previous document present, we must perform the following procedures and complete these documents:

  • Registration in the Tax of economic activities.
  • Application for the Tax Identification Code.
  • Liquidation of the Patrimonial Transfer Tax, in the case that the partners decide to contribute capital or goods.


Other procedures must be performed in the Social Security offices , these would be the following:

  • Registration in the Autonomous Regime of the Social Security, at most 30 days after starting the economic activity.
  • If we plan to hire workers, in the same office we will request the employer's number.
  • Also, we will have to request the opening of the work center, if we return to economic activity after a period without doing it or if we start the activity initially.


Finally, there are some other procedures that are not obligatory, and that will only be carried out according to the needs of the new society. It should be noted that all these procedures will be carried out at the City Hall where the company is located.

  • Activities and Facilities License
  • Change of ownership of a business