How to create an ICT company

The electronic entrepreneurship, based on Information and Communication Technologies, known as ICT, encompasses all those companies that have decided to start a business exclusively on the Internet with reasonable capital destined for it, this is the point that differentiates this type of companies with individual entrepreneurship, a certain capital that will allow some maneuvers, if this is your case we offer you some clues about how to create an ICT company

Objectively analyze the value of your idea

Before undertaking any type of business it is necessary to conduct a preliminary market study to try to determine the pros and cons of our idea, study the success stories and analyze your potential competitors on the web will help you to think of a clearer scenario and delineate Strategies so that your company has a differential value

Focus on offering a quality service

This point is the basis of all the strategies to develop, your company is new and must position itself and get clients in a business jungle, therefore good service and outstanding customer service will make the difference. On your website, you dedicate a space to the creation of direct communication channels with the client where you can find out their opinions and use them to optimize your service

Invest in positioning yourself on the web

Being new, you do not have a history as a company, so it is important to let you know quickly and gain prestige with customers, that's why quality service is so necessary. Online marketing strategies based on SEO will allow you to position yourself on the web, you can also resort to the testimony of satisfied customers to support your service, because at the beginning any recommendation will be useful and welcome

Develop an organizational culture

Maybe your company is starting and that being online gives you anonymity and does not make it necessary to create large offices, but developing an organizational culture by establishing the bases of the service you offer is very important, this will dictate the way to communicate with the client and the way in which you carry out your business offer

Work based on real goals

The Internet may seem the goose that lays the golden egg, but it is like any other business: to get success you have to work and be very patient, set real goals taking into account economic and consumer trends and develop strategic points that can help you to grow: quality, publicity and good external communication

Advise yourself in all aspects

You should not only look for collaborators to advertise your company on the web, but also a small group of people to help you in customer service and a lawyer to give you legal advice regarding your business. Despite being on the Internet an ICT company has the same needs of a physical company

Work hard but be patient

Work, work and work, do it strategically, learn about the latest trends on the web, lean on social networks, embrace all the necessary tools to make your business prosper and while you do so have patience, the growth of a business does not happen overnight, you must concentrate on success while you work to get it

  • Stay informed about everything that happens around your business
  • Optimally and effectively uses all the tools offered by new technologies