How to know the CNAE code of a company

The CNAE is the National Classification of Economic Activities and assigns a code to each economic activity that can be performed. Generally this code (which is usually 5 digits) is used in many forms and forms, both official and company-wide . If you need to find out this code, from .com we want it to be very easy for you, that is why we explain you step by step How to know the CNAE code of a company .

You will need to:
  • Internet
Steps to follow:


To know the CNAE code of a company you should go to the following website: //


From this website you have different possibilities. The first one to know the CNAE is to go deeper into the different groups of activities that will be opened if you click on L ista de actividades, in the upper left.


Although you have another option to find out the CNAE of the company, through the search engine. To do this, you must also go to the top left and click on Search CNAE .


You must put in the search box a single word that defines the activity of the company . Among the results that you offer, choose the one that best suits the activity of your company or re-search with another word to get the CNAE code .