How to cancel a rental agreement

Sometimes, either by finding another apartment with a cheaper rent or other situations, we are forced to change apartments and therefore to terminate a rental agreement . While it is true that these types of changes usually do not involve any problem, it is necessary to know how to cancel a rental contract correctly.

Steps to follow:


At present, after completing the first 6 months of the rental contract, regardless of the duration of the same, the lessee may terminate the contract by notifying the lessor 30 days in advance . Likewise, the contract will stipulate the corresponding indemnities in the event that the contract is canceled.


In the case of the deposit, if the tenant has damaged the furniture, appliances or any other type of furniture in the house, it will be a reason for the finance not to be returned. However, this clause must always be present in the previously signed contract.


When canceling a rental contract, it is advisable to know some legal reasons why the tenant can rescind the lease contract. For example, if the landlord refuses to make home repairs that are totally dependent on him, that is, not caused by the tenant.


According to the law, the breach by any of the parties of the obligations stipulated in the contract is a reason to legally terminate the contract.


It is also important to know that there are some legal reasons why a landlord can cancel a rental agreement, for example:

  • Failure to pay rent is already a sufficient reason to terminate the rental agreement, as well as any payment associated with the original contract.
  • Although it is usually included in contracts, it must be known that the sublease or assignment of the home without the consent of the owner is a legal reason to cancel a rental agreement.
  • If the tenant infringes the property or works without the consent of the owner, the contract may also be canceled legally.
  • Likewise, it will also be grounds for cancellation of a rental contract when annoying, dangerous or illicit activities occur in the home.