How to calculate the annual workday

The working hours of employees are not the same in all countries, not even within the country itself, where they can vary greatly depending on the union in which we work and the collective agreement that our company has. For what documentation, it is likely that we need to know not only our daily work, but also our annual workday, so we will show you how to calculate it in this article from .com

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Steps to follow:


The annual workday is the calculation of the total number of hours a worker has been working for a year. According to the Collective Agreement that protects you, there will be a maximum of annual hours of work. If you exceed these hours, you will be entitled to the corresponding compensation .


To calculate it, we will have to take into account :

  • Total days of the year, 365 or 366 if it is a leap year.
  • Nonworking days, which will vary depending on the activity we perform, and which must be stipulated in our work contract.


For non-business days we will consider those that are made for a typical office schedule, which is distributed as follows approximately:

  • 52 Saturdays and 52 Sundays.
  • 16 holidays between local, national and Christmas.
  • Free days, variable according to our contract, generally 3.
  • Holiday days, also variable, we will take an average of 25.

This gives us a total of 148 non-working days throughout the year.


From the previous section we can deduce that, then, one year has generally 217 working days, amount that will vary according to the activity and the type of contract.


Finally, to know the annual working day, the calculation is as simple as multiplying the duration of our normal working day by the total of working days.

That is to say, if we have a typical working day of 8 hours, the operation that we will have to do is 217x8 = 1736 hours as an annual workday.