What is the difference between highway and highway

Knowing the difference between highway and highway implies taking into account factors of a purely design nature of the route and, also, related to the type of road management. Despite what is popularly considered, the existence or not of a toll is not a determining factor in establishing the classification of these high-speed roads. In .com we explain what is the difference between highway and highway.

Steps to follow:


Popularly, the first thing you think about when talking about the difference between highway and highway is that while the first one is free access, while to use the second you will need to pay a toll.


However this is not entirely true. Thus, although it is true that freeways are free to use; the toll roads can be, indeed, toll, but also free, so the criterion of payment does not help us to establish what is the difference between freeway highway.


From the point of view of the management of this type of road, which allows us to know what is the difference between highway and highway is the following:

  • Highway: public management, either of the State or of the autonomous communities.
  • Highways: private concession. The concessionaire can be financed with tolls paid by the users or establish free access and obtain the money of the State, in what is called toll-shadow.


From the design point of view we can also find criteria to know what is the difference between highway and highway. In this way, it can be said that the highways have to have a layout such that they allow the cars to maintain a high speed along the entire route.


Thus, the highways have to have service roads in the points where there is access to the adjoining land, so that the cars that want to leave it do not have to reduce the speed inside the motorway itself but outside it, on the service road.


With the same objective that automobiles should not reduce speed within the motorways, the design of the curves should be made with very wide radii, which allow drivers to maintain a very high average speed along the entire route.


In the same line, the acceleration and deceleration lanes to enter and exit the highways have to be very long. The motorways, although they can meet some of the characteristics that correspond to the highways indicated in points 5, 6 and 7, it is not mandatory that they have them.


After explaining what are the differences between the highway and the highway, we remind that a road can be qualified in any of these ways it has to:

  • Have separate roadways and more than one lane for each direction of travel.
  • Do not have roundabouts, intersections, intersections or traffic lights.
  • The minimum speed of circulation must not be less than 60 kilometers per hour.