How to choose the place for the communion banquet

Nowadays when a boy or girl makes his first communion, it is common to hold a later banquet with all the family and friends invited to the celebration. When choosing the place where to make this feast, there are many factors involved and we must take into account so that the election is as accurate as possible. In addition, you should plan and choose it well in advance, especially in case you want to organize it in a restaurant, since the dates of the communions coincide in most parishes. If your child is going to make First Communion, do not miss .com's advice on how to choose the place for the communion banquet.

Steps to follow:


The first thing you have to take into account to choose the place where to hold the communion banquet will be the time of celebration of the mass, since this will determine if it is a lunch or a snack / dinner. Normally, these liturgical celebrations usually take place at noon, but communal mid-afternoon Masses are also being celebrated recently. You can see how the First Communion Mass works here.


Another of the main factors to consider when organizing the banquet will be the number of guests that will attend this meal, since this will make the place for the banquet one or the other.


The budget available for the organization of this event is also a key element in deciding where to hold the banquet of the first communion of our son / daughter. There are always ways to save expenses and realize an economic communion.


Taking into account the above factors, we must assess then if we can mount the banquet at home or our garden, because we have enough space for the guests or is what best fits our budget; or if we need to organize it in a lounge or restaurant, because the number of guests is too high to accommodate them in our home.


If you decide to make the communion banquet in a restaurant or lounge, you must also decide on the menu that your guests will be tasting. This choice will also be based on your budget and the proposals offered by the different establishments. You should always keep in mind if any guest needs any special attention regarding their menu, either for health or cultural reasons, to be able to communicate it to the kitchen managers.

  • Choose the place that best suits your budget and the number of guests.