How to dress up as Barbie

No doubt, Barbie is the most famous and popular doll of all time, which automatically makes it an excellent costume for Halloween or Carnival. But it is also very easy to do at home if you have the right clothes, so in .com we invite you to continue reading our article about how to dress up as Barbie without the need to spend a lot of money.

Steps to follow:


The first step to disguise yourself as Barbie is to open the wardrobe and choose the perfect outfit: a pink dress, some colored tights with a tight shirt, any colorful dress. The truth is that over the years Barbie has had thousands of presentations so the clothing is quite flexible in the case of this homemade costume.


Once you have chosen the clothes you will use in your Barbie home costume comes the funniest part: make the box in which the Babie (you mean) will go.

For this you will need:

  • A cardboard box that covers half of your legs or several pieces of cardboard to assemble the box from scratch
  • Scotch tape
  • Adhesive paper that is used to line the notebooks in white and pink "Barbie"
  • Paper glue
  • The printed Barbie and Mattel logos


It may be difficult to get a box that covers at least half of your legs, in case you can not find it you can create a box with different pieces of cardboard assembled with a strong adhesive tape. Then you should cover the box inside with the blank adhesive paper and outside with the pink adhesive paper.

Paste the respective Barbie and Mattel labels to make the box look much more real, like the one in this image.


Then you just have to complete your look. To disguise yourself as Barbie you must make up like this doll and wear a blonde wig in case your hair is of another color. Then you just have to get into your box and have fun with the reaction of others to this original costume.

And if you have a friend or partner who dares to make a duet costume, then they can disguise themselves as Barbie and Ken, a very fun and creative idea.