How to explain the Halloween party

The Halloween party is very fun for all children around the world, especially because it usually consists of dressing up and eating sweets, what child does not like this ?. There is much more to Halloween than "trick or treating, " however, you may want to share the story of the party with your family. If you want to do this last, here we explain step by step how to explain the Halloween party.

Steps to follow:


Explain the origins of the Halloween party. Even though medieval Christianity is the origin of most of our modern Halloween celebrations, some traditions are rooted in "Samhain", a very old Irish festival. This festival honors the dead and marked the beginning of winter and the beginning of the new year (by the ancient Celtic calendar) in early Christian and pagan times.


Talk about how to spread the celebration . As Christianity gained strength in Europe in the 9th century, the church declared November 1 All Saints Day to honor the saints who do not yet have their own day of homage. The special Mass he celebrated is known as "Allhallowmas" (the mass of all the saints). The night before it was known as All Hallows Eve.


Discuss the origins of "trick-or-treating". One version is that on the Day of the Dead, the early Christians went door to door asking for "Tortas de alma", offering in return, a prayer for the soul of the donor. Others say that in Samhain, participants put on masks that represent the dead, and go from house to house collecting food that had been reserved for the deceased.


Explain why participants wear Halloween costumes . People used to believe that in All Hallows Eve, there was a line between the dead and the weakened living, and that the spirits to re-enter the world possessed the living. Apparently, the fearful people wore the costume of vampires and ghosts to avoid an encounter with the real, and to be possessed.


Talk about the "Jack Lanterns", which were originally hollowed out turnips, not pumpkins. According to legend, a man named Jack, who once tricked Satan, was barred from entering heaven and hell when he died. He was condemned to wander in the dark, with only a coal to light his way. That's why we put candles inside carved pumpkins on Halloween.


Explain similar celebrations around the world. From the Day of the Dead in Mexico, through the Festival of the Dead in Sicily and the "Fawkes Day" of England, there are many celebrations similar to Halloween around the world. Your family could even enjoy some of these traditions and celebrations in various cultures.

  • There are Halloween books available to suit most age ranges, so if your children are interested in history and cultural traditions, you can find some books in your local library or bookstore.