What is the binary code and how to translate it?

Nowadays binary code is used in almost any daily task that involves the use of a machine with one or more digital systems. However, many people still do not really understand what binary code is and why it is so useful in getting machines to understand what we want them to do.

The binary code is a system that is based solely on the use of two numbers (0 and 1), hence its name. However, only with these two numbers can you capture any information you want, whether you want to translate it into an alphabetical document or if you want the machine to execute a specific order. If you want to know what is the binary code and how to translate it, do not forget to read this article from.

What is the binary code: alphabet and table

The binary code is a numerical system that serves to represent information of any type, although, nowadays, in the field in which it has greater presence and relevance is in the field of information technology. The binary system is based on writing the information only from two numbers (0 and 1) so that each letter and each number represent a specific number of zeros and ones that, when interpreted by the corresponding device, would reveal a meaning or a order.

The binary code is very useful in the field of computing, since computers understand only two basic concepts: the passage of electricity and the absence of it. In this way, you can interpret the passage of electricity through a circuit determined as a 1, while its absence is interpreted as 0. In this way, you have two basic values ​​from which to build all the rest of the language.

If you want to discover a table of symbols and see how the alphabet of the binary code is, you must take into account the ASCII code table, named after the English acronym of Standard American Code for the Exchange of Information. The main objective of this list was to find a common language between machines and manufacturers to be able to understand concrete messages in a simple way. With the translation of the instructions in this table, you can decipher the binary code and discover concrete actions.

How to learn and read binary code

To read the binary code it is necessary to know the codes that exist in the table and what they mean in each case. In this way, a specific sequence of zeros and ones equals a letter, a number, a punctuation mark, etc. The computer only understands zeros or ones according to whether there is electricity or not through a specific circuit. However, adding linearly these steps or absences of electricity, can interpret a specific information from the translation of the binary code to other languages.

To understand it better, it is explained below with an example : if we wanted to write the letter "A" in binary language, instead of using the symbol of this letter, the text we would write would be "01000001". These eight numbers arranged in this position are equivalent to the letter "A". In this way, when a device, such as a computer, finds this sequence of numbers in a text, it knows that it is the letter "A". The same thing is repeated with each letter or other value that you want to give it.

Note that depending on whether the letter is lowercase or uppercase, the code will be one or the other, so "A" and "a" will be symbols formed by an order other than the ones and zeros.

How a binary code translator works

The binary code translators are responsible for performing the task of separating the sequences of binary code in each of the basic elements. In this way, a sequence of millions of zeros and ones can be interpreted and converted into a text with traditional characters such as alphabetic. While it is true that this task could be carried out manually, it would be a huge job. On the contrary, binary code translators perform this task automatically and in much less time than any other method, which allows the process to be accelerated.

This allows, in turn, that computers can translate large amounts of binary code automatically and instantaneously, allowing them to function as we know them today. In fact, in addition to computers, any digital device uses this language since, as we have mentioned, it is the simplest way in which a machine can understand what information is in front of it. According to the sequences of binary code available to you, you can be instructed to translate that sequence into an alphabetic text, or even to execute certain actions on understanding that certain code sequences are equivalent to orders that you have to make when they are received.

If you are passionate about different methods of communication and want to discover the operation of other codes, do not miss the following articles:

  • How to learn morse code easily
  • How to make morse code transmissions