Why women go together to the bathroom

You may have noticed that women can go to the bathroom together and it seems that the bathroom is a pilgrimage area for them. No matter where they are, in offices, events or parties ... If they have to go to the bathroom, they will ask a friend or several of them to accompany them. But why does this happen? In we will explain why women go together to the bathroom, so you can understand everything at last.

To hold the door

One of the reasons why women go together to the bathroom is to hold the door well . In some public restrooms, not all doors have a latch and, in order to have some privacy, it is necessary for another person to hold the door on the other side to prevent anyone from entering and seeing what you are doing inside. And if you can hold your bag and jacket, much better.

In addition, it is likely that the bathroom has no paper so an ally will be a good idea to look for paper in other toilets or to ask for a tissue to be able to do so, to make your needs quiet.

To touch up makeup

Also, one reason why women go to the bathroom together, is to be able to touch up makeup together. They usually carry a bag in their purse and love being able to share and discover new cosmetics that their friends may have and lend them.

This especially happens in offices or special events, where women want to feel beautiful all the time but the makeup does not last all the hours that are outside the home and that is why they should be touched up.

They go to the bathroom together to chat

Another reason why women go to the bathroom together is to talk. It is known that women speak much more than men and the bathroom can sometimes be a great place to hold an intimate conversation without there being ears that do not have to listen to what is being talked about.

This is why, in many cases, women ask each other to go to the bathroom together and thus, to be able to hold a conversation in which all present can be participants.

To have a moment of rest

Another reason why women go to the bathroom together is to have a moment of rest from whatever they are doing at that moment. They may be in the university, in a conference, at a party or in their workday ... But being able to go to the bathroom, will allow them to be able to make a break and recover their energies.

Sometimes they just go to the bathroom to sit on the toilet with no need to do anything, just sit and rest together with the others.

The confessional

It is also possible that women go to the bathroom together not only to have a conversation but also to tell each other their most intimate secrets . While it is true that there may be many places where you can talk in privacy, the bathroom seems to become a women's confessional.

Whether they are two friends or more, they should talk about a specific topic, the bathroom becomes the right place to uncover all the secrets and be able to confess to each other.

To spend time together

Sometimes there is no excuse and women go to the bathroom together simply because they feel like accompanying their friend and so they will spend some time alone in intimacy. There does not have to be a specific reason for women to go to the bathroom together, they just go because they want to.

Women like to spend all their time together and do not care if going to the bathroom they lose privacy, since it is more important to share their experiences with those people they want in their lives.