What are the signs of the air zodiac

The signs of the zodiac can be classified according to the elements of nature: earth, water, fire and air; In this way, the horoscopes included in the same group have a series of common characteristics. In this article we want to present to you what signs of the zodiac are of air and explain what are the features that unite them and lead them to be ruled by the same element.

Air signs: common characteristics

The signs of the air zodiac are characterized by their passion for reasoning and debating, as well as they are very analytical. You will not be able to question anything to a Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, since surely they have given you millions of laps before.

In the same way, people born under these signs are very good at planning and managing matters. They are decisive, so they will be able to lead groups and be at the forefront of any issue.

We can say that Air cools feelings, so many of them can find it difficult to show their innermost part. They also attach great importance to intellectuality and knowledge.

Air signs: Gemini from May 22 to June 21

Gemini is the sign of air represented by the twins, that is why it is about people who tend to the contradiction and who easily vary their opinion or mood. It is therefore very versatile people as well as often have the concern of children.

In labor issues, they are good communicators and their great intellect will make them stand out above the rest. In contrast, in love Gemini can be difficult to take by their changing nature, but in turn are people who need affection and do not know how to be alone.

In our article on How Gemini Are, you can find all the information about this zodiac sign of air.

Air signs: Libra from September 23 to October 22

In the case of the Libra, the sense of justice is its highest premise - as indicated by the balance of its zodiacal sign - and it is therefore one of the most civilized horoscopes. Like the rest of air signs, the Librans prevail the intellectuality and the common sense; If they believe they are right, nothing and nobody can contradict them.

That is why the Libra work is very good at resolving conflicts and mediating difficult situations. Similarly, in terms of personal relationships, they will always try to get along with others and become great friends. It will be necessary to make him feel wanted to conquer a Libra; so if you want to know more about how they are, do not hesitate to consult our article about the characteristics of Libra.

Air signs: Aquarium from January 21 to February 19

The strong personalities are characteristic of the Aquarius, although it is important to note that we can find very different characters among those born under this sign. While some may be patient and shy, others are the most extroverted and energetic. The Aquarius are very organized people and also stand out for their ability to see all points of view and know how to change theirs in case they were wrong.

This zodiac sign of air is most applied and responsible in the work, although sometimes the comments can hurt their sensitivity. Likewise, in love they are delivered and passionate, although in certain occasions they also require their space of freedom. To know everything about this horoscope, do not forget to read our article How are the Aquarius.