What is the largest ocean in the world

The land is made up of five oceans : the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian, the Arctic and the Antarctic, each with its own characteristics that make them the habitat of thousands of wonderful species. In .com we have already explained which is the smallest ocean, but do you know which one is the largest? Discover what is the largest ocean in the world in this article.

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The largest ocean in the world is the Pacific, an immense mass of water that occupies nothing more and nothing less than a third of the earth. The Pacific has an extension of more than 165 million km² million! It also has an average depth of 4280 meters, although at certain points it can exceed 11, 000 meters.


It is so large that its extension covers 3 continents: Asia, Oceania and America, and of course this also makes the Pacific the ocean with more islands on the planet: 25, 000 in total, many more than the four remaining oceans combined. Simply awesome


The name of the largest ocean in the world was granted by the famous Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan, who on an exploration to the Philippines and the Moluccan Islands found most of his trip with a calm ocean in which it was much simpler navigate that in other seas.

However, the name is somewhat ironic, because this ocean is one of the places where more hurricanes and typhoons occur, besides being the center of volcanic explosions and tidal waves. Of peaceful little.


Due to its large size, the Pacific has 5 climatic zones that vary greatly. Thus we find the middle latitudes, the tropical zones, the monsoon region, the typhoon regions and the area of ​​Ecuador, the only one in calm in this ocean.