How do you spell sois or soys?

Writing correctly is something fundamental and necessary that we all should try to do, so it is essential to know the meaning of words and know how to use them properly. In Spanish, sometimes we are questioned about the correct way to write some terms, so we want to facilitate the task and explain how you write sois or soys.

* soys

To begin, we must clarify that "soys" is an incorrect word, that is, there is no term with that form and we should never write this word with "and".

you are

If we want to write the verbal form corresponding to the 2nd person of the plural of the present indicative of the verb "to be", the correct thing will be to write "you are" with Latin i.


You are the ones in charge of collecting the material.

Are you the first to arrive?

That gentleman asks me if you are the children of Manuel.