How to forget the bad memories

There are many reasons why we want to forget things, memories may make us sad, embarrassed, angry or just anxious. However, the ability to purposely forget things as an obvious solution (the choice to forget) is actually part of the problem.

You will learn how to explore what makes you remember and ways in which you might be able to consciously choose to forget.

Why do you remember the problem?

Try to understand why you remember the problem by investigating what is happening. Actually, it is mostly because you have not yet finished with him, however, it means that you are not willing to let the past be past.

There may also be secondary problems, such as wanting to do something about the event, undo everything that has happened, repair it or just forget about it - and that's where the problem lies.

Each of these causes to remember actually reinforce the need to remember.

Consider how to remember

Do the thoughts come by chance, or is it what happens in response to a stimulus, such as seeing, hearing, feeling or smelling something related to the event? The triggers of memory can be very subtle and sometimes they trap us completely unconscious.

It is very important to know what is causing you to remember the particular case you are trying to forget. Sometimes a feeling will ask the memory to create new feelings. It is very similar to a line of dominoes all linked together, a chain, everything simply "falls into place" and the memory imposes itself.

Photographs or photo albums are a fundamental stimulus . You may want to remember something in particular, but when you see other images of these pages you can ask the memory to remember something else. Very similar to the snowball effect.

Withdraw the stimulus to forget

If you want to forget a sad event, and there are symbols and images that constantly surround you, related to that event, it will be practically impossible to forget.

In this case, you will have to save the "triggers" or the symbols that you face. Maybe you need to go so far as to redecorate or even move it from where it is to make a new start.

The old phrase: "Out of sight, out of mind".

Understand the context of the memory

To forget, you must be willing to let it go. The way to do it always depends on the context. There are many different ways of doing this and they are often interchangeable, so it is better to understand this, simply a method or practice that you can use whenever you want.

If you feel obliged to remember something, but you want to forget it, then evaluate the benefit of keeping the memory . You may feel obligated because you are still obeying someone else's expectations, or interpretations about the way you think, and not your own.

If it is a tragedy in your family or friends, can you love enough to forgive and move on?

If you have an embarrassing or regretful memory, are you willing to learn from it? To satisfy your mind, will you be aware of not repeating that error? Constantly punishing you for something wrong in the past prevents you from growing, or letting go of the memory that generates your inner shame.

Maybe you remember something or someone, a happier time or place . Sometimes, these memories are a way the mind uses to tell you to go ahead and improve your life. The mind so often uses memories and thoughts as a warning, or a distraction, but these chains of thought can easily be controlled by more stressful thoughts and desires. In this case, ask yourself if by avoiding doing hard work you can now simply create more problems in the present and the future.

Replace the subject: Beware!

Forget a memory, thinking of a different topic, preferably a topic that makes you feel better. Distracting in this way can be used as a good support to help you regain confidence and a certain mental balance, but it does not work as a means to leave or leave your memory.

If used incorrectly, it is much like wallpapering over cracks - the problem is still there, waiting for a time when you are off guard. If it is used only to distract, it is very similar to running and hiding from your own memories, and you only give it more strength to dominate and intimidate you.

In spite of this, ultimately, you have to address the issue, but the method of thought substitution can give benefits when used as a way to regain balance when you are stressed.