How to play Russian roulette

Russian roulette is a lethal game of chance in which a "player" places a single bullet in a revolver, rotates the cylinder, places the barrel against the head and squeezes the trigger. "Russia" refers to the supposed country of origin, and roulette refers to the element of chance involved in the game. Since we want to explain how to play this game, of course you should not play with real weapons but with a plastic gun. It can be a fun game to drink or test with your friends. This game, even a joke, should only be played by adults.

You will need to:
  • Plastic gun
  • Plastic bullets
Steps to follow:


The first thing you should do is sit down with your friends around a round table and define the prize for the last one that "survives" the roulette and the penalty for the one who loses. One option is to make a round of shots and the one who wins Russian roulette does not drink.


Then you take the gun, toy, and load it with a bullet.


Then we turn the gun drum a couple of times to lose the pistol's position. It is important that the bullet is not visible through the slots of the gun barrel.


The one that has loaded the gun must leave the gun horizontally on the table and sequentially each of the players will take the gun from the center of the table.


After taking the gun we will point to the temple and we will pull the trigger. If the bullet is fired, the player will be eliminated, otherwise he will leave the gun on the table and the game will continue with the next player of the Russian roulette .


In the end the winner of the Russian roulette is the one that remains on the table with "life".