How to choose a book for a teenager

Encouraging reading in young adolescents is a safe bet to work on their creativity, imagination and intellect in general. Books are capable of teaching young people a large number of values ​​that are not taught in academic texts. For this reason, it is very important to know how to choose a book for a teenager and we explain it to you.

Steps to follow:


The fundamental thing is to find a book that is governed by the interests of the adolescent . Not everyone likes the same. Thus, observing the personality of our children can be essential to understand what concerns they have and what type of gender is best suited to them.


It is convenient not to choose a book for teenagers that contains topics that are not appropriate for their age . For this reason, when choosing, we must inform us well about the age for which the book in question is written. Fortunately, there is a large catalog of adolescent literature, so this will not be a problem.


Some literary genres that tend to fit very well among teenagers are those that deal with themes of mystery and adventure. Remember that they are in a time when dreaming is part of everyday life, and this type of plot can help them to work their imagination much more, something that will later be rewarded by great creativity.


If we want we can talk openly with our children about how they have enjoyed reading . Which parts of the story have lived more intensely and which characters have liked more. This way we will be able to know if we have been successful in the choice of the book or not, something essential to continue buying books for our teenage son.


We can take as reference a best seller . They are the most bought books. Therefore, it is a safe bet when it comes to finding quality and well-recognized adolescent literature, both by the adolescent public and by critics.


If still, we are not clear how to choose a book for a teenager, we can also count on the advice of booksellers or librarians . They, as a general rule, can also guide us when buying a new book according to the tastes and concerns of our children.