How to dilute glucose in serum with a saline solution

Sugars and salts are essential for the healthy functioning of our body. To get a better understanding of how our bodies work, scientists try to recreate the concentrations of sugars and essential salts in the blood, for the understanding of diseases like diabetes, where blood sugar does not decompose properly. The easiest way to experiment is the dilution of glucose in serum with a saline solution - salt and water. Serum glucose tends to be used in low concentrations to replicate your blood sugar levels.

You will need to:
  • Test tube
  • Stopper test tube
  • Rack
  • 10 ml of saline
  • serum glucose
  • Pipette
Steps to follow:


Measure 9.9 ml of saline into the test tube with the pipette.


Add 0.1 ml of glucose in serum to the tube of the same test.


Seal the test tube with a stopper, and shake the tube for at least 10 seconds.


Wait for the liquid to settle. The serum glucose / dilution of the saline is 1: 100.