How to fulfill the purpose of saving

New year new life, at least that is what the saying says, that is why many people consider the idea of ​​fulfilling new and important purposes, but the truth is that halfway through we usually forget our goals and occupy that time in solving other things. If for 2012 you have decided to raise a little more money then we give you some strategies that can be useful so you know how to fulfill the purpose of saving

Why do not I save?

There are many reasons that lead to a limited ability to save, the first is to detect why you can not save money, if it is that you earn little or just for your expenses, if the problem is that you make unnecessary expenses, if it is missing control when buying, among others. Locate the cause and move to the solution

Realistic goals

The monthly amount you will save will depend on your income, but it is important to establish a realistic goal to achieve it. One of the best tools are the savings plans offered by the banks associated with your account, where from a minimum of 50 euros to the amount you want you discount monthly. This account does not have a debit card so you can not spend your money in a moment of madness

If the problem is that you earn just enough

Try to find new sources of income, however small they are, if it is difficult to do so try to cut back on the expenses you can, we offer you two options so you know how to save on the purchase of food and gasoline in the car.

If the problem is that you spend what you should not

It has happened to all of us to buy something that we do not need, but some people have a hard time controlling themselves, if you are one of them, take measures in this regard. A good trick is to leave the credit cards at home when you leave, to avoid impulse purchases, think that the money you stop spending on nonsense you will be saving for something more valuable and important

Establish a purpose

When we save for a purpose we try harder, for example, consider saving this year to go to that place you've always wanted to know, or to acquire that good you want, setting a goal will make it easier to save

Determine priorities for monthly expenses

There may always be unforeseen events, but in general there are expenses that are fixed and others that are set as priorities and secondary, establish your list, address those that are priorities and determines the real importance of secondary, this will allow you to save taking into account the true value and need for the expenses you make. It's a habit that will change your way of buying a lot

Strengthen your self control

We can not always have what we want, if you consider that you are not able to control your desire to buy clothes try not to go to the shopping centers so often, if when you go to market you always fill the cart with things that you will not eat afterwards or expensive products, try not to go to the market hungry and always carry a list of priorities. Self-control is important not only to save but in all aspects of your life, remember it

  • Saving does not necessarily imply great sacrifices, it is about prioritizing and acting intelligently
  • Sometimes small changes give great results, try to prove it in your economy