How to convert knots to meters per second

A " knot " is one nautical mile per hour. A nautical mile is equal to the distance covered by the sixth part of a degree of latitude; It was originally used by sailors, because it was easier to measure latitude than distance at sea. A nautical mile equals 6, 076 feet - about 800 feet longer than a mile of land - so do not use the miles per hour conversion; You will need a conversion factor to convert between knots and meters per second .

Steps to follow:


Configure the appropriate conversion unit. A knot is equal to 0.51 meters per second, so if you are going to convert 5 knots, for example, the unit conversion would be (5 knots) * ((0.51m / s) / 1 knot).


Multiply the equation created by the unit conversion. For example, (5 knots) * ((0.51m / s) / knot 1) equals 2.55 meters per second.


Write down the result with the correct units. Use m / s to abbreviate meters per second, for example, 2.55 m / s.

  • Divide by 0.51 to convert from meters per second to knots.
  • Multiply by 1.15 nautical miles to convert miles of land.