How to convert decimals to fractions

Converting decimals to fractions (and vice versa) is the first step of many types of math problems that will appear in exercises and tests in the future. That is why it is essential to know how to perform this procedure to pass those figures with decimals to fraction and thus simplify mathematical operations . In the same way, it will also be useful to know how to convert from fractions to decimals. In this article we explain step by step how to convert decimals to fractions.

Steps to follow:


The first thing you should do is write the decimal number you want to convert divided by 1, in fraction format, as we show you in the image.


Next, count how many decimals are behind the comma, since that will determine the power of 10 by which you must multiply your fraction; for each decimal, we multiply by the elevation to one more power: 10, 100, 1000, 10000 ...

In the example we are using, we see that 0.375 has 3 decimal places so we will have to multiply by 1000 (one zero for each decimal) both the numerator and the denominator.


Now you have a decimal fraction, so the only thing you will need is to simplify the fraction . In case it is irreducible, you have already finished the procedure to convert a decimal into a fraction.

In this case, we see that both figures are divisible by 5 and the result is also divisible, so that the final fraction that has already been simplified will be the three-eighths (3/8) common fraction.


If you are interested, you can learn how to convert mixed fractions to decimals, enter the article and discover all the steps.

  • To check your work, divide the numerator between the denominator in a calculator. You must end with the original decimal.