Home remedies for otitis in dogs

Does your dog have otitis? You should know that there are some home remedies that will help you to alleviate the infection and to make the animal feel more relieved. Otitis is one of the diseases of the most common dogs there is and is because they have this part of the body extremely sensitive. It is important to know if your dog has otitis to detect this condition quickly and get your pet is better as quickly as possible. In this article we detail some home remedies for otitis in dogs that will complement the detailed treatment by your veterinarian.

Remedy with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an ideal ingredient to treat the infection in your dog's ear and help eliminate otitis. The reason is that one of the benefits of apple cider vinegar are its detoxifying properties that will eliminate toxins and bacteria that have been stored in the ears of your dog.

For this we will only have to mix in a glass of water the same amount of apple cider vinegar as warm water, stir well and apply it inside the ear of your pet. The vinegar mixed with the water will soften the earwax and, thus, clean the ear deeply and eliminate bacteria. Above all you should reduce it with water because vinegar can cause irritation to your dog.

Remedy with green tea

Green tea is also a good home remedy for otitis in dogs and its many benefits include its antioxidant and depurative properties that keep the body protected against viruses and diseases. It is one of the best products to keep the body in good health levels, therefore, many people consume it regularly.

To treat otitis we will only have to make an infusion of green tea and, when it is ready, we will have to let it cool down. Then, we will put directly into the ear of the animal a few drops of the infusion and get reduce the infection and relieve the discomfort.

Treat otitis with oils

Another way to cure otitis in dogs is by mixing lavender essential oil with extra virgin olive oil . We will have to mix the same amount of both products (for example, if you choose two spoonfuls that are two of each) and put it to heat in a container so that the properties intermingle. Then you have to let the mixture cool and apply it in the outer ear of your dog.

This natural remedy will work well in your pet since both oils have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that will alleviate the infection in your animal's ear. Above all, keep in mind that once you use this mixture you should throw it away and make one again each time you go to cure your dog.

Cleaning the dog's ears

In addition to applying these home remedies it is important that you clean the ears of your dog to be able to cure the otitis. When a dog has otitis is important to clean the ears weekly, if it is healthy, it is also recommended that this cleaning is twice a month, that is, once every fifteen days to get your dog is healthy.

Above all, if you are going to proceed with the cleaning you have to take into account a series of basic recommendations such as the following:

  • Never use a rod of ears: the shape of the ear of the dog is different from the human one therefore you could get to hurt him if you introduce too much the cane.
  • Before using any cleaning and disinfecting product it is important to speak with the veterinarian to determine that your dog does not have allergies.
  • In the folds of the ears is where more dirt accumulates so do not stop focusing on this area.
  • When a dog has otitis it is recommended that you do not bathe it because the infection could be aggravated.

In this article we give you more tips on how to treat canine otitis.

Otitis in dogs

You should know that a dog can develop otitis due to different factors. Among the most common causes are the following:

  • Otitis can appear due to the appearance of mites in the ear area.
  • It may also be because the dog has fungus in the ear.
  • If you have been in contact with high humidity, otitis may appear in the ears.
  • When a proper cleansing is not performed, otitis may appear.
  • Allergies can also cause the appearance of this infection.
  • Ticks or fleas also cause otitis.
  • If a dog is with low defenses, he may experience the onset of this condition.

In order to prevent your dog from developing otitis, you will only have to pay special attention to this area and bear in mind that excess hair can accumulate dirt. Therefore, it is advisable to shave the ear canal of your pet, as well as to dry the ears well after each bath; Also, and as we have pointed out before, it is important to maintain a good ear cleaning routine twice a month to get your dog protected.