Home remedies for earache in dogs

When you see that your animal starts to move its head a lot, sobs for a long time and is restless it is probably because it has an earache. It is a very intense annoyance that the dogs do not know how to manage and that, even, they can get to be a little aggressive by the pain. Among all the breeds of dogs, those with drooping ears are usually the most prone to suffer these discomfort in the ear because they have no air flow to clean and oxygenate the area. In this article we discover the home remedies for earache in dogs and how to help relieve your best friend's discomfort.

Symptoms of earache in dogs

First of all it is important that we learn to detect when an animal is suffering from an earache. It may be that the cause of these discomforts are caused by a mite, a blow or because they are beginning to develop other diseases such as otitis. Here we will detail the symptoms of earache in dogs :

  • If you see that it shakes your head a lot or that it does not stop moving it from side to side, it is because you are probably feeling discomfort in your ear.
  • If you scratch your ears a lot it may also be because it bothers you; it may be that from scratching so much, even small wounds in the area are made.
  • If you see that you rub the part of your ears against furniture, doors or rugs you may be feeling that pain.
  • If in the part of the ears you see that it appears liquid or cerumen of yellowish, brown or black color it may be due to the infection. This liquid also gives off an unpleasant odor that is the result of the infection that is causing the pain.
  • They can also present ear bruises, that is, certain bumps and inflammations that occur in this part of your body.

If you detect any of these symptoms it is important that you take the dog to the veterinarian to examine him carefully and tell him which is the best treatment for his cure. If you want to know if what you have is otitis, in this article we tell you how to know if your dog has otitis.

Apple vinager

Anyway, in a complementary way to the medication that you are prescribed, you can try to alleviate the pain that your animal suffers with a series of home remedies. Above all you must take into account that, as we have said, they are "complementary", that is, it is best to combine these treatments with the one prescribed by the veterinarian, which will be designed to alleviate and reduce the infection.

Apple cider vinegar is a perfect natural antiseptic to help us fight the infection your dog suffers; For that reason, a good home remedy is to clean your ear with a cotton ball and this vinegar. The first thing is to make the solution that will have to take 1 part of water and 2 parts of apple vinegar, once made and mixed we will have to wet the cotton in this liquid and, gently, we will pass it through the ear of your dog, always by the parts you can see. Above all, it is important that you do not insert the swab into your ear because you could hurt it.

Apple cider vinegar has an antibacterial power that manages to eliminate bacteria and protect the ear so that new viruses do not develop. It is normal that while doing this natural cleanser your dog expel wax and want to move the head, so let it shake freely and when the wax comes out clean it. In this article we list in detail the benefits of apple cider vinegar so you understand why it will be good to improve your dog.

Essential oils

Cleaning the dog's ear with essential oils is a good remedy to get pain relief and lessen discomfort. The oil is an antimicrobial, antibacterial and antiviral agent so it will work perfectly to help alleviate the ailments of our pet. The ideal mixture to get clean the can's ear and relieve swelling is what combines:

  • 28 grams of neem oil
  • 1 teaspoon of tea tree oil
  • 15 milliliters of olive oil
  • 2.5 milliliters of eucalyptus oil

You will have to mix all the ingredients well and apply a few drops in the ear canal of the dog; if it costs you, ask a family member for help to keep the animal's head still. You can also help with a dropper to facilitate the entrance to the ear. Repeat this procedure on a daily basis and massage the area of ​​the ear so that it penetrates perfectly throughout the canal.

Calendula infusion

The calendula is a plant with a lot of properties perfect for our health and also for our dog's. It has anti-inflammatory properties that will reduce the swelling of your dog's earache, it also has antiseptic properties that can alleviate the bacteria that caused the infection. But, in its infusion form is a plant widely used for being a natural antibiotic that manages to reduce the presence of viruses in the body. In this article we discover what are the properties of the calendula.

Therefore, a natural remedy for earache in dogs is to make an infusion of calendula by pouring half a teaspoon of sea salt into the drink to get it cleaned more thoroughly. With the help of a dropper you should pour the liquid into your dog's ear and repeat the treatment every day until you notice how the symptoms lessen.

Hot compress

Heat treatment is good for relieving discomfort and pain in animals. Apply a warm compress in the inflamed area will relieve irritation, redness and pain that your dog can feel. To make this remedy, you will only have to open the tap until you feel that hot water comes out and introduce a small towel, then twist so that the excess is drained and apply it in the area to be treated for about 30 seconds.

If you repeat this procedure every day you will notice how, little by little, your dog feels better and the symptoms of the infection become milder.