How to save the MacBook

If you are faced with the possibility of having to store your MacBook computer for a while because you are going on a trip or because you have bought a new one and you want to keep the old one or for whatever reason, you should take into account the following tips because otherwise you can happen to you in the future when you want to re-start your old MacBook does not work.

Steps to follow:


Store the MacBook in a cold place (the ideal temperature is 22 ° C). Avoid that in the place where you keep the computer touch the sun. If the MacBook computer reaches temperatures above 30 ° C, it may suffer some damage.


Before storing it in the closet or in a pantry, unload 50 percent of the MacBook's battery, this will be a good measure to extend the life of the MacBook. Do this if you save your MacBook less than 5 months, otherwise read the next point.


If you are going to store your MacBook for more than 5 months, download the battery halfway and remove the battery from your computer. This is a very appropriate measure to prevent the MacBook from having a longer lifespan.


Every six months you must charge the battery up to that 50% of the total charge. Remember that during those months the battery of the MacBook will lose power until 6 months there will be no power and you must recharge it again.


To properly store the MacBook we recommend that you keep it in the original box of the computer, if you do not already have it, we recommend that you use a cardboard box with porexpan protections to avoid blows if the box is returned.


If you want to save your MacBook only two days or less, we recommend that you leave it at rest and do not turn it off.