What is reviewed in the ITV

Many are those that we passed by the mechanic before going to the mandatory appointment with the technical inspection of vehicles (ITV), but in many occasions we could save that expense since our car is in good condition. In .com we detail what is reviewed in the ITV .

Steps to follow:


The lights and signaling are some of the most obvious, and also dangerous, failures that our car can have and they will review it in the ITV .


They will also monitor that the tires are in good condition, that the drawing is adequate and that the axles work correctly. This task is carried out in the pit, which also allows ITV workers to check that the steering works well, as well as the brake circuit . They will also take into account the good condition of the service brakes and the alignment of the wheels.


The suspensions and hand brake are two other aspects that will control in the technical inspection of the vehicle that work perfectly in our car. For this, the suspension bank is used.


In addition to aspects of a mechanical nature, the ITV makes the environmental measurements necessary to control the levels of pollution of the exhaust gases and noise, in order to see that they do not exceed the legal limits.


We should not forget other issues that may seem minor, but are not, such as cleaning devices and wipers, which will also be reviewed next to the windshield and rear view mirrors.


The registration plates and other types of signs that our car may need will also be checked in the inspection of the ITV, as well as the interior fittings, as is the case of seat belts. The body and the frame will also be monitored.