What should I check every month of my car

Our car is an important object and for its operation to be correct we must do a constant maintenance. There are a number of things that we should periodically look at from our car. In this article we will explain to you that you should check each month in your car. Maintenance should be seen as a basic routine. Go to the mechanic periodically and verify that at least once a month the following aspects:

Check the car's brakes

Veri fi cation includes review of brake fluid. If it has gone down, it may be a sign of leaks in the main pump system, the auxiliary or piping, which must be discarded. If there is variation in the level of the brake fluid, but without leaks, the decrease is due to the wear of the brake pads and brake pads, so its condition must be verified with the mechanic. Do not forget to also check the hand brake, useful for any emergency.

Belts, belts or bands

Belts and belts, whether those of the fan, alternator, air conditioning or hydraulic steering, tend to be damaged. Check for cracks or thicknesses and replace them if necessary

Monthly tire maintenance

Pay attention to the type of wear they present. If it is located at the center, it indicates that the pressure remains above what the manufacturer recommends; if it is sideways, it may be that the pressure is rather below. If the wear is on the inside or outside, it is likely to be due to damage to the ball joints or screening problems. Proper pressure prevents wear and saves fuel. Usually what the manufacturer indicates ranges between 1.9 and 2 kilos (28 and 32 pounds). The pressure check must be carried out when the tire is cold (not having traveled more than 2 km). Do not forget to also check the condition of the spare tire and rotate it just like the rest of the tires.

Monthly maintenance of the car battery

If the battery has removable plugs, check the water level, which must be above the cells, as they must remain submerged in the liquid. Check the battery terminals, if they show corrosion, clean them with a wire brush if necessary. Replace any damaged cable immediately. Make sure that the gauze is firmly attached to the terminal.

Car oil change

Check the engine oil levels, on the dates of change indicated, generally recommended is every 3000 or 5000 km, although there are oils that can last up to 10000 km. When making the changeover, also replace the oil filter and take the opportunity to check the fluid levels in the hydraulic, transmission and differential direction, as well as the lubrication of the ball joints. Vehicles that travel more than 20, 000 km per year require more frequent oil changes.

Radiator maintenance

Visually inspect for leaks or damaged radiator surfaces . Check the level of the coolant in the radiator, fill if necessary with coolant, the tank. You should not use water because it contains impurities that adhere to the motor walls and can cause corrosion. It is advisable to do this verification every week or at least once a month and include the auxiliary deposit, which if it is in good condition, avoids fillers. Check the radiator when the engine is cold, the radiator cap must be clean and free of cracks. Remove the cap and see the condition and level of the coolant (water). A low level can lead to overheating and corrosion of the motor.