Why my car does not start cold

When the coldest months of the year arrive, many think about keeping warm or taking care not to fall ill due to the flu or a cold, but those who have a car also know that an era is approaching that can be a bit difficult for their car.

It is true that it is increasingly strange that a car does not start because of the low temperatures, since the improvements provided by new cars avoid this typical winter problem, but many people still maintain older cars because they still work or because right now they can not change vehicles.

Yes, we know that the ideal thing is to have a good parking space so that during all the winter months our car is well protected and does not suffer the inclemencies of cold winds, rain, snow and ice, but this is not always possible. Therefore, we explain why your car does not start cold and how to fix it.

Problems with the battery

Any winter day at 7 o'clock in the morning, you get up to go to work, you get in the car and it does not start! After several frustrated attempts, a word appears in your mind: the battery. It is true, it is very likely that this part is the reason why your car does not start cold. It is one of the elements that suffers most with temperature changes, especially if the thermometer is very low. What happens is that a cooler battery will not have the ability to start (starting power) that will have one that is hot.

And most importantly, what can you do when you find yourself in this situation? Try not to despair. Probably, in a few minutes you'll be able to get going. We advise you to try to accelerate the process with a hot and dry towel. It is a solution for those cars that do not usually present these problems on a regular basis.

But if this does not work for you, you may need to recharge the battery. If this is not the first time that you have it and you have to ask your neighbor for help, we recommend that you always have a battery charger on hand, otherwise you will have to do it using another car's battery. Also, if this starts to be very frequent perhaps the time has come to change it. In the following articles you can learn about How to start a car without a battery and Every when to change the battery of the car.

And the simple trick of pushing the car downhill? We had not forgotten, but to make it work, remember that it has to be loaded a minimum to get it started.

Spark plugs and heaters

Maybe the battery is perfectly and you keep asking "why my car is hard to start cold". At that moment, you have to take into account that other elements may be those that are damaged due to cold or excessive use. It can be the case of spark plugs, in gasoline cars, or heaters, in the case of cars that need diesel.

These parts of the car are responsible for helping the car to start, are responsible for creating that spark that causes the engine to start up along with the starter. Therefore, if they are too cold or damaged, the car can not be started. We advise you to regularly check the spark plugs or heaters and the starter motor, as they are essential parts for your car to work properly.


Oil is another very important element to start the car and that can be altered by the cold temperatures of winter. It is very important to know that the viscosity of the oil can be modified due to very high or very low temperatures. If we find that the oil is too liquid or too thick, it will not do its job properly and it will be impossible to start the car.

Our advice is that you get an oil of multigrade type, whose main characteristic is that it has a greater adaptation to sudden changes in temperature and it is much more difficult for its density to be affected.

In the following article we explain how to know what oil your car carries.

Do you have gas?

Yes, it seems very obvious, but have you looked at the deposit? We are not saying that you are confused, is that it is possible that the low temperatures this part of your car has degraded and you are losing fuel. Check it at least twice during the colder months to make sure it does not show any breakage.