How to hide Christmas gifts well

The saying "curiosity killed the cat" already reads, and that is that some people simply can not stand the anxiety and the desire to know what gifts await them during Christmas Eve or the kings, so it is necessary to hide them in a safe place to keep them away from their curious hands, but the question is where? Well we give you some ideas so you know how to hide Christmas gifts well

Steps to follow:


Forget about the common places, that is to say nothing of closets, wardrobes or under the bed, are the first places in which anyone would look, especially a child, who is usually more curious than some adults, there are more original places


If only you have the key to the storage room, what do you expect? It's a great place to hide gifts. And to make sure that in a distraction not someone who could find them can also hide them inside a suitcase, so at least they will not be seen by the naked eye


Hide them in a place where there are no other children or curious hands, for example in your parents' house, so you can rest assured that nobody will see them until the moment arrives


If your parents live far from you or are not a good option there is another possibility, hide them in your office, of course for this you would have to have the space for it, a closet or drawer in which they fit comfortably. This is a great idea because only you will have access to them without fear of being found by anyone


If the trunk of your car is always full of things, what does it matter to put a few more in a disguised way ?. If the gifts are small and go unnoticed you could put them in a black bag and make them go through one of the thousand things you have in the trunk, you just have to make sure that nobody grabs the bag because of confusion and find the Christmas load


Avoid having the gifts at home hidden unless you really have a perfect space for it, a large attic, a corner that nobody would review, otherwise you will always run the risk of being discovered and that is that we have all gone to the gift shop, so the farther away from your home you are the better


Clutter with the wrapper, for example it is very easy to detect the case of a watch or any other jewel, but if you put that box in another larger box and then cover it you will easily get your wife / o. It is also easy to know by the size that this gift could be a video game, a CD or DVD, put it in a larger bag or package and have fun seeing the intrigue face of the person who receives it.

  • If someone in your family has a history of being a gift hunter, make your task more difficult and do not let them find you
  • No matter how high and deep the closet or wardrobe is, there is a tendency to check in that place, so avoid it even if it seems perfect for it.