What is the name of Santander

Gentilicio is the term used to define the geographical origin of a person depending on the town, city or country from which it comes. This is the correct way in which someone's origin can be identified, and although sometimes it is very easy to do so, some cities present varied or complicated names that are not always similar to the name of the place. If you are wondering what the nickname of Santander is, in .com we explain it to you in detail.

The name of the inhabitants of Santander

Santander is the capital of Cantabria, a port city with a very interesting historical past being an important seat of the bourgeoisie in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and an ideal city for tourism, even in our days.

The name of Santander is varied, and is that it has three possible and correct ways to call its inhabitants: Santander, Santanderense or mountain, because the region of Cantabria historically has also been known as the Mountain.

Some curiosities of Santander

Santander is a city full of curiosities, some of the most interesting are:

  • Besides being the capital of Cantabria, Santander is the capital of the northernmost province of Spain.
  • In 1941, a fire destroyed a large part of the historic center of the city, this catastrophe was known as the Andalusian fire because it started on Cádiz street and ended on Calle Sevilla.
  • The popular beach Los Bikinis is called that way in honor of the international students who went to the University in summer and who wore this garment to go to the beach, something that in Spain at that time was not fashionable. The men, curious, were going to enjoy the panorama and the bodies of these girls.
  • The statue of the dictator Francisco Franco, present in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento since 1964, was for years the last equestrian statue of this dictator erected in a public space in Spain. It was withdrawn in 2008 ending with this rare record.