How to spell kilo or quilo

Every day we ask ourselves the following question: How is it written ? Well, although they are words that are part of our usual vocabulary, at the time of writing it is possible that we doubt and do not know the correct way to do it. Is the case of kilo, is it written with "k" or with "q"? Both to express our weight and to buy a specific amount of food that exceeds a thousand grams we resort to this word. Keep reading this article and discover how to spell kilo or quilo .


When we use the word " kilo " to refer to the unit of mass, that is, to refer to kilograms, the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) prefers the use of its written version with "k". So, the most correct way to write it under this meaning is "kilo".

Examples :

  • This month I have lost three kilos .
  • I'm going to buy a kilo of potatoes.
  • My son weighs five kilos.

"Kilo" is also a prefix that means a thousand times something and is applied to the units of measure to express the corresponding multiple. For example: Between one city and another there are hundreds of kilometers (which is the same as saying thousands of meters).

Also, formerly it was used to refer to a million pesetas, currently it is not used under this meaning. Example: He entered several kilos in the bank .


The word " quilo " written with "qu-" has several meanings according to the RAE:

  • A milky-looking substance formed by bile and pancreatic juice that circulates in the blood vessels during the digestion process. Example: Chyl is the result of the digestion of fats from the food we eat .
  • Unit of dough, kilo.
  • Orginiary shrub of Chile and belonging to the family of the Poligonáceas. Example: The flowers of the chyle are agglomerated in clusters .
  • Fruit of this same bush. Example: The quilos are edible and have a very sweet flavor .

Therefore, when we want to refer to the unit of mass that expresses the weight in thousands of grams we will use the word "kilo". Although "quilo" is not incorrect, it is advisable to use it written with "k" .