How to cut a cat's nails

If we have a cat at home and we are concerned about the state of our furniture as well as providing a scraper and training the cat to use it, we can minimize the need to sharpen the nails by periodically cutting them. Cutting the nails to a cat is a complicated operation and is not necessary for cat hygiene, it can be convenient for the state of the home furniture, to minimize the result of scratches and for the hygiene of the owners of the cat especially if It is a cat that enters and leaves the house regularly and can bring dirt home trapped in their nails.

You will need to:
  • Special nail clipper for cats
  • Special antiseptic powder for cats (just in case)
Steps to follow:


You must cut the nails to the cat from very small so that it gets used. Cutting the nails of an adult cat that is not used to it can be dangerous for you and the cat and it might be better to go to the veterinarian to do so. Everything will depend on the character of the cat.


Buy a special nail clipper for cats. Do not try to do it with a nail clipper for people or normal scissors since they can harm the cat.


The ideal position is with the cat sitting more or less between our knees and keeping it in this position under our left arm and taking the leg of the cat with the left hand and the nail clipper with the right hand. The position of the hands will be the inverse if we are left-handed. Keep the cat in this position firmly but without squeezing it.


Gently press the cat's pads with your fingers until the nail sticks out.


You will see that the cat's nails have two parts. The outermost and narrowest part that curves downwards in the form of a claw and the inner part that is thicker and that has a pink halo inside. You only have to cut the sharp part, do not cut the pink part, this part is the root of the nail, it has nerve endings and blood flow so it would hurt the cat and could cause bleeding.


If by accident we cut the pink part and the leg of the cat begins to bleed, introduce the leg of the cat in antiseptic powder and during the following days observe the cat to check that the bleeding ceases and that there are no complications in the wound.


As good a character as your cat is, it is unlikely that you can cut all the nails in a single session. If you see that he gets very nervous leave it and cut the rest of the nails another day. Always start with the front legs. The nails of the hind legs are not as sharp and do not grow as fast as those of the front legs.


The ideal periodicity is more or less every two weeks for the nails of the front legs.

  • You can find antiseptic powder in pharmacies or veterinary stores. Make sure that you acquire special antiseptic powder for cats since there are antiseptic powders for veterinary use suitable for many animals except for cats.