How to learn colors in French

French is considered one of the Romance languages, which means it has a base in Greek and Latin, as well as English. Since colors are visual, it is useful to learn how to use visual aids, such as pencils, cards and coloring books. Repetition is key when it comes to memorizing simple words in another language, so be prepared to go over colors a number of times to store them well in your memory.

You will need to:
  • Coloring book
  • Records
  • Crayons or markers
Steps to follow:


Draw in a coloring book to start the learning process. Color in the correct colors when reading over the French word several times out loud.


Make cards with the French name of one color on one side and the name in Spanish on the other side. Go through these cards regularly to practice reading the words and help them learn them by heart. Say the words out loud when you can, as it helps with memory and pronunciation.


Say the words "Clair, " which means light, and "Fonce, " which means dark, to change the meaning of colors . For example, the French word for red is "rouge". Say "rouge Fonce" to indicate that the color is dark red or "rouge clair" to indicate that the color is light red.


Here are some colors in French and Spanish: - blanc (he) / blɑ, blɑʃ / white / a-gray (e) / gʀi, gʀiz / gris-noir (e) / nwaʀ / black / a-argenté (e ) / aʀʒɑte / silver / a- beige / bɛʒ / beis- bleu (e) / blø / blue- bleu ciel / blø sjɛl / blue celeste- bleu marine / blø maʀin / navy blue- bleu roi / blø ʀwa / Paris blue - brun (e) / bʀœ, bʀyn / brown-chair / ʃɛʀ / incarnate / a-doré (e) / dɔʀe / golden / a-jaune / ʒon / yellow / a-brown (ne) / maʀɔ, ɔn / brown- mauve / mov / malvadoré / ɔʀ / gold-orange / ɔʀɑʒ / orange