Home remedies for my dog's cough

Cough in dogs is a condition that, in most cases, is a symptom of respiratory tract infections, heart problems or a simple cold. In any case, it is always advisable to visit a veterinarian to identify the cause of the cough and initiate the most appropriate treatment. Once the medical treatment has begun, you have the possibility of supplementing it with natural remedies. Keep reading this article and discover what are the home remedies for your dog's cough .

Steps to follow:


The first thing to do if you have not yet gone to the vet is to try to identify the cause . Knowing the origin of the cough not only allows you to start a certain treatment but also to know if your dog suffers from a serious illness or not. Remember that it can be a symptom of abnormalities in the respiratory system or heart problems.


Until your dog's cough has completely disappeared, it limits physical activity . Excessive exercise can aggravate respiratory problems and cause an increase in cough. So, try not to over exertion. Of course, do not completely eliminate the exercise, since it could trigger a stress or anxiety due to lack of activity. You must rest and maintain as little physical activity as possible.


One of the most popular dog cough remedies, also indicated by veterinarians, is medlar juice . Remember that there are a number of toxic foods for dogs, including avocado, so any juice is not worth it. You should try to take a glass of this juice, since its high content of vitamin A will strengthen your immune system and favor the mucous membranes, now damaged, of your airways. If you do not like the taste, take a plastic syringe, which comes with syrups for children, and give it to you little by little. Do not force it since it could result in vomiting.


Also, numerous studies have shown that vitamin C also strengthens the immune system of dogs. So, another home remedy for your cough are supplements of this vitamin. You will have to administer 100mg a day if it is small race, 250mg if it is medium or 500mg if it is big or giant. You do not give him more quantity since it could cause diarrhea in your dog. Similarly, green leafy vegetables are an excellent source of vitamin C, supplementing your diet with a reduced amount of vegetables. Of course, check with your veterinarian first.


As with humans, fumes considerably relieve cough in dogs. For them, there are several medicinal plants that can help you as a home remedy, among them echinacea and eucalyptus. Thanks to its expectorant and antitussive properties, they favor the respiratory tract and relieve the cough of your dog . So, put water to boil and add some leaves of one of these plants. When you can sleep, place a container with the mixture fresh from the fire and cover the head, as you would, to breathe the steam. Remember that not all plants are good for cans, see our article on toxic plants for dogs.


Finally, another of the most effective home remedies for coughing your dog is coconut oil, since it strengthens the immune system, promotes energy and vitality and helps treat heart disease. Simply, mix two tablespoons of this oil in your bowl of water and let him drink as usual. In the same way, cinnamon is another ideal complement to treat cough.


Remember that it is advisable to consult your veterinarian before providing your dog any of these home remedies for cough. Also, you should not stop giving medical treatment, since the remedies should be a complement, not the solution.