How to know if my mobile is free

It is clear that in order for our cell phone to work properly we need the support of a telephone company. So far so good, the problem arises when these companies have as part of their demands that the device can only work with your SIM card . This is what is popularly known as mobile blocked, is that this is the condition of your device? If you are not clear on .com, we explain how to know if your mobile is free .

Steps to follow:


When the phone is locked we are unable to make a SIM card from another company work on that device. Therefore, when leaving a trip or changing a mobile company, it is important that the device is free to use any other card without mishap.


The simplest and obvious way to know if your mobile is free is by placing a SIM card belonging to another company . Turn off your phone, make the change of card and turn it on as you usually do. Enter the pin of the card you are entering and then access the functions of the phone. If the phone picks up your signal, mobile data network and you can perfectly make calls with the SIM card of another company, congratulations! Your mobile is free.


If, on the other hand, the phone does not receive coverage and you get the warning of "emergency calls only", it means that your phone is blocked.


On the Internet you will find some websites that promise to tell you if your mobile is free or not . The reality is that many of these are a scam or just fail, and the only way to check for sure is by introducing a card from another company.