How to clean anodized aluminum

The anodized effect is achieved when the oxidized aluminum gets a thickness and a surface that protects the material in these circumstances. Cleaning anodized aluminum is easy and convenient. From .com we explain how to do it .

Steps to follow:


There are a number of products on the market, from different brands, that help to clean anodized aluminum . Check which is the best for the product you want to clean and get it.


Warm water and soap are the two most advisable elements to clean the anodized aluminum. You can do it at home easily.


Lemon and baking soda, another solution that will help you clean the aluminum in the state of anodization. When the mixture of both elements begins to react, it is time to apply.


It is also possible to use a product that cleans crystals . You can use it to improve and clean the anodized aluminum.

  • Consult a professional what products are best for each specific case.
  • Do not apply any substance to anodized aluminum.