What are the requirements to request early retirement

Retirement is a moment that many workers refer to, anxious for their arrival to finally enjoy their old age. Some do not expect it with such eagerness, but others want it in such a way that they even see it opportune to retire prematurely, in such a way that they can enjoy their retirement for a greater number of years. Being this a very common option in recent years, in .com we explain what are the requirements to ask for early retirement.

Steps to follow:


It is important to know that there are certain groups, usually workers in sectors whose activities involve toxic or dangerous conditions, which have special retirement characteristics, such as being able to retire at a younger age, but they are only exceptions.


The new regulation that was approved in 2013 establishes that the minimum age to apply for early retirement is 63 years. We recall that the usual retirement age is 67 years.


On the other hand, it is necessary to prove that there has been a Social Security contribution period of at least 33 years, of which 2 must be in the last 15 years.


The above cases are applicable in case of forced retirement of the worker. In the event that we are facing a voluntary retirement, the previous ages will increase up to 65 years to be able to retire and 35 years of minimum contribution.


The amount of the pension to receive must be greater than the minimum pension that it is estimated that the beneficiary would receive, in the event that he retired at 65 years of age.