What are the tax obligations of commercial companies

When a company is engaged in commercial activities, in such a way that it is governed by Commercial Law, it must take into account some aspects related to the activity it carries out. This implies that, like any other economic activity, it is subject to certain fiscal obligations. To know which in .com we explain what are the tax obligations of the mercantile companies.

Photo source: www.elconta.com

Steps to follow:


There are a series of procedures and obligations, most of them fiscal, which consist of signing up for the different taxes that we will have to pay later. As a representative example of any type of mercantile society, we can take the most typical of all of them, that is, the corporation.


Once our company is incorporated, there is a group of fiscal obligations that we will have to face throughout the year, either several times during this or only once. The first one is the VAT declaration, which we will have to do in the Treasury every three months and on an annual basis, presenting models 303 and 390 respectively.


Given that we will pay for the Corporation Tax, we will also have to respond to this tax in the Treasury, in this case on an annual basis using Form 200 form .


If during the previous year the commercial activities have been exceeded by € 3, 006, the annual declaration of operations with third parties must be made, filling out the 347 model. It is not mandatory, but we include it in this section because we believe that most companies will carry out an operation of this type with a supplier or client.


There are other fiscal obligations that only have to be fulfilled when the company starts its activity, or when something happens that imposes the payment of a tribute. Some of them are:

  • Census declaration
  • Registration in the Tax on Economic Activities
  • Tax on property transfers