How to write an email to apply for a job

A job application email, along with an official cover letter and a good CV, is a reflection of a job seeker's competence, professionalism and experience. If you are trying to get a job and you want to stand out from the rest of the candidates, it is essential that you take care of the smallest detail and dedicate a little time to do all the tasks that can help you achieve it successfully. With the advice of this article, you will know how to write an email to apply for employment and you can formalize your proposal to any company instantly.

Steps to follow:


Before sending an email to apply for any job, it is important to make sure you have a good resume. It is not enough to include all your personal and professional data, if you want to highlight it will be essential that you adapt it to the offer in question and, especially, that it is creative, concise, clear and complete. A fundamental part to find a job is to write a good CV . We have different articles aimed at making a good CV, although if you want to go a step further, there are specialized web pages such as LiveCareer that will help you prepare a good CV and find a job.


Before sending the email, carefully read all the requirements of the job offer written by the company in question and look at the profile of the employee they are requesting. Make sure that you meet all the requirements and that both your resume and your cover letter and portfolio are adapted to that profile and meet perfectly with the level demanded. Also check if you specify instructions about what and how many documents you should attach to the email, as well as the information that should be included in the body of the email.


The email must be well organized and presented. First, you must enter the corresponding department or the email address specified in the job offer; then, in the "Subject" section, write the position so that you can apply; and in the body of the email you should start by typing the following information: name of the business contact person, title, company and email address to indicate who you are addressing.


Make sure that the email is personalized, address the person in question with "Mr." or "Mrs." and introduce yourself in a few lines, including your full name, the purpose of this email and the specific job you are requesting. Focus on describing your experience and professional competencies related to that position and avoid explaining other qualities or giving details of past work that have nothing to do with it. The complete electronic mail must not have more than two paragraphs, it will be enough for each of them to have three to five long and well structured sentences.


To conclude your job application email, you have to thank the recipient for giving you their time and you can write the following sentence: "I look forward to your response". End the email indicating your contact information: full name, title of the current job and / or company, phone number, email address and Web sites, in your case.


Fix and check the email. Check the email several times to check the clarity, consistency and relevance used. Make sure there are no spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. Consider e-mailing the document to a friend or wait a few hours before sending it to review it again.


Once you are completely satisfied with the job application email and the required attachments, send the email to the company and / or department head. Remember that you must follow the entire professional protocol during the application process.


If you have not reviewed your CV for a long time, it is also a good idea to make sure that it is updated before sending it for any job. In the following article we reveal some signs that your curriculum needs to be updated, review them and if you detect any applicable to your case, it will be necessary to correct them to become a much more competitive candidate.

A fundamental part to find a job is to write a good CV . We have different articles aimed at making a good CV, although if you want to go a step further, there are specialized web pages such as LiveCareer that will help you prepare a good CV and find a job.

  • Avoid writing in capitals and with excessive exclamation marks.
  • Make a short email to the point. Remember that people are very busy.
  • Even small mistakes can reduce the chances of a job applicant; Take your time to guarantee a quality job application email.