What happens if you do not pay a fine

What happens if you do not pay a fine? That in the end you will be more expensive, because the Administration will end up finding you and as a last resort the bank account will be seized, with a surcharge of 20% on the initial amount of the sanction, that is, if the fine was for 100 euros, you They will remove a total of 120 euros from your bank balance. Up to this point, a process is followed. In .com, we answer the question of what happens if you do not pay a fine.

Steps to follow:


When they give you a traffic ticket, the Directorate General of Traffic (DGT) will notify you. There are several forms of notification:

  • By email, in case you have given it to the Administration.
  • By certified mail, up to 2 letters are sent.
  • Publication in the Edictal Board of Traffic Sanctions, when they are not able to locate you.


At this point, it is interesting to know that if you pay the fine in the first 20 days you will have a 50% bonus, that is, you will only pay half of the economic amount. You may be interested in reading this article on how to know if I have traffic tickets.


If you do not pay the traffic ticket, you have the right to appeal. However, you should know that in this case you lose the possibility of having your fine reduced by half due to having paid in the voluntary period of the first 20 days.


If you neither resort nor pay despite the notifications, the General Directorate of Traffic will put the case in the hands of the Treasury, which will be responsible for reaching your bank account to withdraw your balance not only the amount of the fine but a further 20 percent of the amount .


If you do not pay a fine you can think that there will come a time when it will stop having value. Well, sanctions that only consist of economic penalty prescribe at 4 years, but the most normal thing is for the Treasury to locate your accounts before this happens, so the most advisable thing is that, if you admit the fact, pay your fine in a voluntary period and you save half the amount.


If you do not agree with the accusations that lead the Administration to pay you a fine, you will have to appeal it. Read this article in which we explain how to appeal a traffic ticket.