How to disguise my son on Halloween

This party is one of the most fun we can find on the calendar, the perfect occasion to put aside such seriousness and give ourselves to fun and terror. But when we are parents we always think that our kids enjoy the most, so the best way to start is, obviously, by disguise. And there are many original costumes for which we can choose, so if your child is still too small to decide, or you can do it but it is blank, in .com we give you some good ideas according to age, so you know how to disguise your child on Halloween .

From 0 to 1 year

During this stage our children are too adorable, and many parents can not resist the temptation to disguise them in the funniest ways to celebrate Halloween, so we have prepared a special article for you to discover how to disguise your baby on Halloween. Do not forget to choose comfortable and safe suits for the baby, because deep down the idea is that you can hold as much time as possible with the disguise.

From 1 to 3 years

During this stage you can choose any of the costumes recommended for babies, or incorporate other characters and themes. Costumes of Martians (like the image taken from Toy Story), bees, fruits like strawberries, angels, devils, fairies and magicians are excellent options for children of these ages. Remember that when they are learning to walk, even when they already do, the child requires to be comfortable and light, so if you choose a Halloween costume for your child with many accessories you will know that the child may not hold it for long .

From 4 to 6 years

At these ages it is normal for the child to say that he wants to disguise himself. The fashionable characters will always be a priority for them, also in the case of the girls, the princesses lead the market, that's why we teach you how to make this costume step by step.

There are also many little ones who prefer to disguise themselves as terrifying things, in those cases they can have fun being a bat, a vampire or vampire for a day, imitating the appearance of Frankenstein or any other monster. Of course, witches are always a sensation and we have an article that will guide you to make the costume at home. Do not forget ghosts and skeletons as well as good options for your son's Halloween costume .

From 7 to 10 years

In this stage children are very aware of the fun involved in dressing up and also that being original makes them stand out above the rest, so they may accept some fun and fearful suggestions.

The werewolf is undoubtedly a fun costume for this stage, requires a little makeup, so parents can get involved helping. The mummies are also entertaining for boys and girls, the zombies will surely enchant your child while the monstrous dolls and a little darks, the girlfriend of Frankenstein or a very dark goth are fun ideas for your daughter.