How to draw a birthday card for my dad

Your father is always there for you, to show you how much you care about him, draw him a birthday card . These handmade creations can represent everything you want, from your favorite sports team to a luxury birthday cake. Do not worry about creating a perfect drawing on the card. Even if it is not very artistic, your father will thank you for taking the time to create something for him on his birthday.

You will need to:
  • Book
  • Pencil
  • Markers or crayons
Steps to follow:


Choose a piece of paper to make the card. This can be a sheet of white or colored paper. Fold it in half to create the card.


Use a pencil to trace the design on the card. This can be anything related to your dad and his birthday. For example, if you love sports, draw a baseball and football. A birthday cake or balloons would also be suitable drawings for the card. Use a template or a cookie cutter to create specific shapes. Your father will probably also appreciate a representation of the two. If you feel safe, draw a portrait of you and your father.


Write a birthday message or some text on the front of the card. This could have something to do with the images you have drawn. For example, if you have created a sports themed birthday card, write something like "Happy birthday to a star parent".


Draw your drawings with pencil and the message with a black pen or pencil. This will create a bold scheme for your card. Fill in the lines with bright colors of the same colors that you have used, as necessary, but you should not fill the whole color with color.


Write a note inside your father's card. This can be as simple as "Happy Birthday" or include other special messages. Tell him why you think he is a wonderful father or what you want for him in the next year. On the back of the card, personalize your creation with your name and the date you did it.

  • It is advisable that the sheet you use is a little thicker than the normal sheets, so the card will be more consistent and durable.