How the colon is used

This punctuation mark is used extensively in Spanish-language newsrooms. As we already know, it consists of the combination of two points located one on top of the other vertically ( :) . But using them correctly brings many complications. So that this does not happen to you, from .com we explain to you in detail how the two points are used.

Steps to follow:


This punctuation mark represents an intermediate pause between those of the period and the comma. It indicates that the whole thought has not been stated, but that what follows is directly related to the above. As you can see, it has its own function and it is a mistake to replace it with the comma or with the period.


The two points are used before an enumeration.

Ex: Remember what you have to buy: onions, peppers and tomatoes.


This punctuation mark is used preceding consequences, summaries or conclusions within a written text.

Ex: He does not know what to do: he is very lost since he came back from America.


In didactic works, the two points precede the examples, especially when to introduce them expressions such as, for example, in this way, thus, in the following way, and so on are used.

Ex: Punctuation marks are: period, coma ...


The two points are used when you want to reproduce a direct textual quote in any written text.

Ex: Said Don Quixote: "With the Church we have met"


The colon is used after the courtesy formulas with which the cards begin.

Ex: Dear friend: How is everything going?


In the legal documents, the two points are used after voices such as: Certify, Decree, Let me know, Resolve, Expose, Agree, Communicate ...


After expressions like "now well, well, well, it is more, moreover, in other words", usually the two points are usually used behind.

Ex: Go on a trip, now good: be very careful.


In math the two points are also used, in this case to indicate the division of two numbers.

Ex: 81: 9 = 9

  • You can consult the Ortotipografía manual of Martínez de Sousa in which you will obtain all the information about it.